What was
the Commission on Intellectual Property Rights?
idea of the Commission on Intellectual Property Rights originated in the
UK Government's White Paper on International Development "Eliminating
World Poverty: Making Globalisation Work for the Poor" published
in December 2000 (paragraphs 142-149). The aim was "
to look
at the ways that intellectual property rules need to develop in the future
in order to take greater account of the interests of developing countries
and poor people."
were its Terms of Reference?
Commission was asked to consider:
- How
national IPR regimes could best be designed to benefit developing
countries within the context of international agreements, including
- How
the international framework of rules and agreements might be improved
and developed, for instance in the area of traditional knowledge -
and the relationship between IPR rules and regimes covering access
to genetic resources.
- The
broader policy framework needed to complement intellectual property
regimes, including for instance controlling anti-competitive practices
through competition policy and law.